Thursday 1 May 2008

Prompted by this scene in our woods today, I just had to take a picture - yes, OK it also meant I could try out my new PDA camera but it's still pretty. Just to prove I am actually an easthete, I have just posted a picture of snowdrops from the same wood during February.

This picture is chronologically out of order but it's from the woods behind our house mid February.

Monday 28 April 2008

Today's great picture

Here is the moment when Liz screamed, 'Come quickly!' So, I obliged and brought my camera with me, guessing that it was something through the window. Anyway, here it is.

Sunday 25 February 2007

Clay House
So, we're in now and I really appreciate being in the countryside again. Unfortunately, the dogs remain a constant pain in the kneck; if they haven't rolled in badger droppings then they fart silently in confined spaces, shit everywhere we might walk, bark at everyone who walks by the house and whine for food.
Following his trip to South Africa, Duncan's started a blog on wine. So, I can't be left behind and I've never blogged before. I still don't really get it. Why would anyone want to read stuff I post. Perhaps there is someone out there who just has nothing better to do - pretty frightening.